JQL: project = "Website Upgrade" and status = "In Progress" and component in ("upgrade site", "migrate store")
Our website upgrade is "In Progress" and the Strategy for Jira® store will be back online soon. If you need immediate assistance, please contact: info@jirastrategy.com. Thanks for your patience and have a great day!

Author name: Rachel Wright

Rachel Wright is an entrepreneur, Certified Jira Administrator, and author of the Jira Strategy Admin Workbook. She started using Jira in 2011, became a Jira administrator in 2013, and was certified in 2016. She is the owner and founder of Industry Templates, LLC, which helps companies grow, get organized, and develop their processes.

Baseline Jira Fields List

Jira comes with standard, built-in fields, like “Summary”, “Description”, and “Components” but you can also create additional Custom Fields to […]

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