Baseline Jira Fields List

Jira comes with standard, built-in fields, like “Summary”, “Description”, and “Components” but you can also create additional Custom Fields to track more data.

Your instance starts out with 8-30 fields, on the “Custom Fields” page, depending on whether you have Cloud or Server.  For example, Jira Server 7.7.1 comes with 8 custom fields.  Installing Jira Service Desk on top of Jira Server adds 6 additional fields.  More fields can be created by Jira, by application administrators, or by add-ons, plugins, and applications.

So how do you distinguish the standard fields from the ones created by applications and admins?  Use this baseline list from a clean Jira install.

Standard Jira Fields

Default Fields & Functions

  • Project (On the “Create” screen)
  • Issue Type
  • Summary
  • Epic Name (For Epics)
  • Epic Link (For issues related to Epics)
  • Description
  • Component/s
  • Priority
  • Linked Issues
  • Attachment
  • Labels
  • Time Tracking (Includes Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate fields)
  • Log Work
  • Assignee
  • Reporter
  • Comments
  • Affects Version
  • Fix Version
  • Story Points
  • Sprint
  • Status (A workflow step)
  • Resolution
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Due Date

Default Fields on the “Custom Fields” Admin Page

From Jira Server 7.1.1

From Jira Cloud

From Jira Service Desk 3.12.2

The following fields are added when you create a support-type project and use the “Create sample data” option:

  • Approvals (Locked)
  • Approvers
  • CAB (Description:  Change Advisory Board members)
  • Change completion date
  • Change managers
  • Change reason
  • Change risk
  • Change start date
  • Change type
  • Customer Request Type (Locked)
  • Flagged
  • Impact
  • Investigation reason
  • Operational categorization
  • Organizations (Locked)
  • Parent Link
  • Pending reason
  • Product categorization
  • Request participants (Locked)
  • Root cause
  • Satisfaction (Locked)
  • Team (Locked)
  • Time to approve normal change (Locked)
  • Time to close after resolution (Locked)
  • Time to first response (Locked)
  • Time to resolution (Locked)
  • Satisfaction date (Locked)
  • Urgency
  • Workaround

Clean Instance Worksheet

Use this default Jira setup worksheet to compare settings in your  application and see how far you’ve strayed from the default.  Use this template to document defaults in other versions.

Free Worksheet:

Custom Field Clean Up

Have a lot of custom fields?  Learn how to safely remove them with the Jira Custom Fields & Field Clean Up online course!

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