Default Jira Global Permissions

Global Permissions (Jira Cloud)
Global Permissions (Jira Cloud)

Sometimes it’s important to understand how far your Jira application has strayed from the default configuration. Was that setting there from the beginning or did an application administrator add it eons ago?

To find out, visit Admin > System > Global permissions in your application. Then use this baseline list to compare your Jira settings to the default.

Initial settings for Jira Cloud and Jira Server/Data Center v8.15 are included below. I keep fresh and untouched application instances around so you don’t have to!

Jira Software Cloud Global Permissions

Administer Jira

Create and administer projects, issue types, fields, workflows, and schemes for all projects. Users with this permission can perform most administration tasks, except: managing users, importing data, and editing system email settings.


  • system-administrators
  • atlassian-addons-admin
  • site-admins
  • trusted-users-xxx (unique alphanumeric string)
  • administrators
  • jira-administrators

Browse users and groups

View and select users or groups from the user picker, and share issues. Users with this permission can see the names of all users and groups on your site.


  • system-administrators
  • site-admins
  • jira-software-users
  • administrators
  • jira-administrators
  • atlassian-addons-admin

Share dashboards and filters

Share dashboards and filters with other users.


  • atlassian-addons-admin
  • jira-software-users
  • system-administrators
  • jira-administrators
  • site-admins
  • administrators

Manage group filter subscriptions

Create and delete group filter subscriptions.


  • jira-administrators
  • jira-software-users
  • administrators
  • system-administrators
  • atlassian-addons-admin
  • site-admins

Make bulk changes

Modify collections of issues at once. For example, resolve multiple issues in one step.


  • atlassian-addons-admin
  • jira-software-users
  • site-admins
  • administrators
  • jira-administrators
  • system-administrators

Create next-gen projects

Create projects separate from shared configurations and schemes. Next-gen projects don’t affect existing projects or shared configurations like workflows, fields or permissions. Only licensed users can create next-gen projects.


  • Public, anyone on the internet, including logged in and anonymous users.

Jira Software Server & Data Center Global Permissions

Jira System Administrators

Ability to perform all administration functions. There must be at least one group with this permission.


  • jira-administrators

Jira Administrators

Ability to perform most administration functions (excluding Import & Export, SMTP Configuration, etc.).


  • jira-administrators

Browse Users

Ability to select a user or group from a popup window as well as the ability to use the ‘share’ issues feature. Users with this permission will also be able to see names of all users and groups in the system.


  • jira-administrators
  • jira-servicedesk-users (If installed)
  • jira-software-users

Create Shared Objects

Ability to share dashboards and filters with other users, groups and roles.


  • jira-administrators
  • jira-servicedesk-users (If installed)
  • jira-software-users

Manage Group Filter Subscriptions

Ability to manage (create and delete) group filter subscriptions.


  • jira-administrators
  • jira-servicedesk-users (If installed)
  • jira-software-users

Bulk Change

Ability to modify a collection of issues at once. For example, resolve multiple issues in one step.


  • jira-administrators
  • jira-servicedesk-users (If installed)
  • jira-software-users

Browse Archive

Ability to browse all archived issues.


  • None (empty)

See also: Default Jira Global Permissions | Default Jira Project Permissions | Default Jira Notifications | Settings Created for Jira Product Discovery Projects

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