New JIRA Administrator Training Course

A new JIRA Administrator training course, based on the principles in the JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook, is on the way!

Just like the workbook isn’t typical documentation, this course is different too!  This isn’t a traditional class, where you listen to the instructor speak all day, watch them click around a screen, and forget half of what you heard.

Instead, this course walks you through the content in the Workbook and helps you develop and implement your own strategies.  This is so much more than a standard training course.  Sure there’s content to read and videos to watch, but there’s also action items, interaction with the JIRA environment, and real scenarios to help you fix mistakes in your own application.  This course may also help you prepare for JIRA Certification.

The course is self-paced so you can review the material and complete the tasks when and in the order it makes sense for you.  Want to learn on the bus on the way to work?  Why not?  Want to pause while you discuss a scenario with your team?  Do it!

Enter your email address below and you’ll be the first to know when the JIRA Strategy Admin Course is available.

Also see: About the instructor

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