JQL: project = "Website Upgrade" and status = "In Progress" and component in ("upgrade site", "migrate store")
Our website upgrade is "In Progress" and the Strategy for Jira® store will be back online soon. If you need immediate assistance, please contact: info@jirastrategy.com. Thanks for your patience and have a great day!

Jira Rollback Plan


What would you do if a migration or upgrade didn’t complete smoothly?  What if an app or feature you rely on wasn’t working?  What if data is missing?  At what point is it smarter to “undo” your actions, regroup, and try again? You should always have a backup plan. Use this worksheet to create yours.

Also included:

Alternate Rollback Plan

What would you do if your primary rollback plan failed?  What other emergency restoration methods are available?  Use the worksheet to consider the scenarios and record the options.

Cloud Application Reset

Did your Jira Server to Jira Cloud migration fail? Use the worksheet to record the steps for resetting a Jira Cloud site, removing data, and reactivating a site.

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