Need to grow your skills or teach your users? We offer custom, live training delivered remotely or recorded online courses. Our skill or topic-based training gets application administrators up to speed fast. Our intro courses help new Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence users feel comfortable with the applications.
Custom Training
Tell us what you’d like to learn and we’ll craft a custom course or workshop just for you. You choose the topic, scope, audience knowledge level, duration, and delivery method. We’ll create hour, day, or multi-day sessions and deliver the materials, a recorded presentation, or a live presentation. Contact us for an estimate.
Recorded Online Courses
We also offer recorded training for single users or your entire company through LinkedIn Learning.
Rachel Wright’s Jira and Confluence Admin and User Courses on LinkedIn
- Jira: Basic Administration
- Jira: Advanced Administration
- Jira Service Management: Administration
- Best Practices for Jira Configuration and Maintenance
- Jira Administration: Automation
- Jira: Managing Custom Workflows
- Increasing Efficiency with Jira and Confluence Integrations
- Learning Confluence Administration
- Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)
- Learning Jira (Server & Data Center Edition)
- Learning Jira Software
- Planning and Releasing Software with Jira


Speaking & Appearances

Rachel Wright delivers presentations and training workshops for IT conferences, professional organizations, and her alma mater, Radford University. Rachel’s approach to speaking is different. Instead of boring slides and data points, she uses real mistakes and examples, to help the audience avoid and overcome similar issues. Read more or catch Rachel on the Strategy for Jira Tour.
Speaking at Atlassian Summit 2019
Done for You Documentation
Use our pre-written Jira, Confluence, and Jira Service Management templates to take the work out of crafting company-specific documentation from scratch. Using your Confluence instance, we’ll import all the necessary template copy, pages, and files needed to set up and maintain healthy, successful applications. Then you (or we) can further customize the wording to fit your exact needs. Contact us for details.