JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook (Print)

[Print, paperback, black & white version] The JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook will save you time, money and frustration.

This book is different – it’s not documentation.  It’s recommendations from years of cleaning up horrible JIRA configurations!  It’s about what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and why.

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This book is for JIRA admins who have a willingness to think before you click in the JIRA Administration area!  The book’s worksheets, templates, code snippets, and wording samples will help you with all the pre-click planning.

This workbook contains:

  • 152 recommendations to help you set up, clean up, and maintain JIRA,
  • 50 worksheets, plus additional templatescode snippets, and wording samples to help you establish and streamline vital processes,
  • 33 real examples of problems to avoid,
  • best practices and dos and don’ts for each administrative area,
  • the top 10 mistakes I made as an administrator, and
  • content not available anywhere else.

This workbook shows you:

  • actions for a well-planned implementation,
  • simple ways to streamline administration,
  • how to audit and clean up the application,
  • ways to maintain and extend JIRA,
  • how to create repeatable procedures, and
  • how to stay out of the “JIRA swamp”.

Who This Book Is For

If you’re a new Administrator, or your company is just getting started with JIRA, this book will show you what actions to take up front, so you can have a well-planned and easy to maintain tool. If your company has been using JIRA for a while, this book will show you simple ways to streamline your instance and make daily work more manageable.

This book is written for the:

  • part-time Application Administrator who helps out with JIRA in addition to your “official” role;
  • full-time Application Administrator for JIRA or the Atlassian product suite;
  • Project ManagerBusiness Analyst, or other team member, who needs JIRA to fit the needs of your teams; or the
  • Systems Administrator or Database Administrator who supports many different internal company tools.

View the Table of Contents | Listen to the Introduction | Download Sample Chapters

About the Author


Rachel Wright is an entrepreneur, process engineer, and Atlassian Certified JIRA Administrator.

She started using JIRA in 2011, became a JIRA administrator in 2013, and was certified in 2016.

She is the owner and founder of Industry Templates, LLC, which helps companies grow, get organized, and develop their processes.

Rachel also uses Atlassian tools in her personal life for accomplishing goals and tracking tasks.  Her first book, the “JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook“, was written in Confluence and progress was tracked in JIRA!

Included Materials

Download the worksheets, templates, and companion materials using the coupon code in your book’s “Worksheets, Templates & Companion Materials” section.  The following are downloadable after your book purchase:

  1. Atlassian Summit Notes
  2. Determine Jira Permissions
  3. Jira Add User Instruction Based on Issue ID
  4. Jira Annual Report
  5. Jira Application Administrator Responsibilities
  6. Jira Application Comparison
  7. Jira Automated Testing
  8. Jira Bulk Import
  9. Jira Change Select List Formatting
  10. Jira Clean Instance
  11. Jira Conditional Announcement Banner
  12. Jira Custom Workflow Documentation
  13. Jira Database Queries
  14. Jira Detailed Upgrade Plan
  15. Jira Genie and Jira Gerbil Character Users
  16. Jira HTML Links
  17. Jira Incident Log
  18. Jira Issue Creation via Email Instructions
  19. Jira Issue Security Worksheets
  20. Jira Menu and Transition Buttons Graphic
  21. Jira Monitoring
  22. Jira New Custom Field Requests
  23. Jira New Project Configuration Checklist
  24. Jira New Project Request
  25. Jira New User Communication and Checklist
  26. Jira New User Request
  27. Jira Notification Scheme
  28. Jira Permission Scheme Worksheets
  29. Jira Plugin and Add-on Vetting Procedure
  30. Jira Plugin Tracking
  31. Jira Project Status
  32. Jira Project Wording
  33. Jira Recommendations and Tips
  34. Jira REST API and Database Users
  35. Jira Rollback Plan
  36. Jira Scheduled Maintenance
  37. Jira Scheme Wording
  38. Jira Security Policy Considerations
  39. Jira Standard Capabilities
  40. Jira Standard Regression Testing
  41. Jira Status Update Email Notification Instructions
  42. Jira Support and Emergency Escalation
  43. Jira System Stats
  44. Jira Upgrade Wording
  45. Jira Use and Future Predictions
  46. Jira Users Wording
  47. Jira Workflow XML
  48. New Jira Features
  49. Sample Jira Support Project Set Up
  50. Top Jira Support Measurements

Download the files individually or a few at a time as you need them. You can also download them all at once, in one .zip file. See download instructions.

Get the print or Kindle version from Amazon. Or, switch to the digital version.

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